Coffee Chats

In February, we kicked off Amaroo Coffee Chats at Forward Pocket Cafe in Richmond. Over twenty members and guests enjoyed great coffee, food, and conversation.

February 7, 2024
Forward Pocket Cafe, Richmond

These casual catchups will become a mainstay of Amaroo Club, where every month Amarooians and guests can come together to connect, at times hear from a guest speaker, as well as support the inspiring work of Forward Pocket.

This socially responsible cafe – established by Amaroo’s cofounder Anthony Phillips –  aims to create a positive impact for the underprivileged and those in need. It’s doing this through fostering a culture of philanthropy among employees, customers and community; inspiring all to contribute towards making a difference. We couldn’t think of a better place to hold our coffee chats!

We’d love to see you at one or more of our coffee chats in 2024. They’re held at Forward Pocket Cafe, 253-255 Lennox St, Richmond, between 12.30 and 2.30pm. Make sure you check out and follow their Insta at forwardpocketcafe.

And please put these dates in your diary:
Wed 17 April
Wed 29 May
Wed 31 July
Wed 18 Sept

We hope to see you at our next coffee chat on Wednesday April 17.

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A place to connect. A place to give back. A beautiful place.

Amaroo is a place where people and businesses connect, learn from each other, share knowledge and experience, grow and give back. By becoming an Amarooian, you're supporting education that changes lives.